Friday 3 February 2012

How have you used real media conventions in your media products?

From studying media studies I have created two projects. The first one was a music magazine at AS level. I then create a music video in A2, which then included doing a digipak and advert after it. During making these two products I picked up several real media conventions throughout both.

When creating my music magazine I picked up a lot of real media conventions by researching and planning and analysing existing products. The main real media convention in the music magazine project was the Masthead. I believe this is the main media convention for the music magazine project as it shows the target audience the name of your magazine and help it stands out for the future when wanting to buy it again. The masthead needs to stand out from the rest of the text on the page, so from my research and planning I made my masthead a bright bold colour to make it catch the eye of the reader, I also positioned it at the top of the page.

Another media convention I think is vital during my music magazine is the image. The image attracts the readers to read a certain article which intrigues them to buy the magazine. I positioned my image as the main part of my music magazine’s front cover as i placed it in the middle of the page and was a large size so it could stand out from the text around it.

From my front page of my music magazine the last key media convention I thought was vital to use was the use of banners/ strapline. I believe this helps the target audience to become intrigued to read the whole magazine and buy it more often if articles that they like are inside. On my front cover I placed my strapline at the bottom of the page, from this, I could add more articles which were included in the music magazine. The font for the strapline was in capitals and red front making it stand out from the black background behind it.

In my contents page the key media convention was the masthead once again, this is vital as I believe it makes the overall page clear and easy to understand. Once again I positioned the masthead at the top of the page in large font to make it stand out. Another key media convention was the structure of my content. The layout was neat and tidy and I included sub heading for each articles with written information in smaller font underneath.

In my double page spread for my music magazine, the key media conventions I used were the column structure. I set the layout like this so it was clear and easy to understand and easy for the reader to read. Another media convention was the colour scheme, throughout my music magazine I had the same three way colour scheme of red, black and white. I did this because from my research and planning the genre of music I was doing had the same colour scheme.

For my music video the key convention I used were the following:

The narrative was a key media convention as this was planned out and structures my music video. Having a narrative enabled my music video to be clear and easy to follow and keep my music video organised as we had planned what to do at the certain times.

Another media convention for my music video was the performance. From planning we knew when to film our performance and used a variety and camera angles to make our media convention look effective as possible.

The main media convention was mise en scene, as this makes my music video look as professional as possible. For example mise en scene covers setting, make up, lightening, props and costumes to make my music video look a high standard. From planning we were able to know when we had mise en scene sections to do an example was the settings when filming we knew where to go to have a good effect and follow the narrative. The props made certain scenes key and effective as we used the use of a ring to show the break-up of our relationship in our music video.

Following my music video we did a digipak and advert the real media conventions from our digipak and advert were:

For our digipak was the masthead which was a light white font which stood out on the front cover, underneath was the image on the front cover which stood out creating a good effect. The layout of my digipak had the masthead positioned at the top so it could stand out with the image being placed in the background and the album cover name at the bottom making them all stand out clearly.

Finally the key real media convention for my music video advert was the masthead. This was positioned in large black font at the top of the page so it stood out from the rest of the text on the page, this allowed the target audience to be attracted to it more and easy to spot when selling the product.

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